
​The FNHA works with BC First Nations, government partners and others to improve health outcomes for BC First Nations people. 

​FNHA is mandated by a number of health agreements (collectively, "the Health Plans") and direction given by BC First Nations leadership.

The Health Plans envision a First Nations Health Authority that would take over administration of Health for federal health programs for First Nations in BC. The FNHA mission "Supporting BC First Nations to implement the Tripartite First Nations Health Plan" has received unprecedented support from First Nations leaders in BC and is well on the way to the transfer of First Nations Inuit Health Branch Pacific Region.

FNHA Mandate​

    Plan, design, manage, deliver and fund the delivery of First Nations Health Programs in British Columbia

    Receive federal, provincial and other health funding for or to support the planning, design, management and delivery of First Nations Health Programs and to carry out other health and wellness related functions

    Collaborate with the BC Ministry of Health and BC Health Authorities to coordinate and integrate their respective health programs and services to achieve better health outcomes for First Nations in British Columbia

    Incorporate and promote First Nations knowledge, beliefs, values, practices, medicines and models of health and healing into the First Nations Health Programs, recognizing that these may be reflected differently in different regions of BC

    Be constituted with good governance, accountability, transparency and openness standards

    Establish standards for First Nations Health Programs that meet or exceed generally accepted standards

    Collect and maintain clinical information and patient records and develop protocols with the BC Ministry of Health and the BC Health Authorities for sharing of patient records and patient information, consistent with law

    Over time, modify and redesign health programs and services that replace Federal Health Programs through a collaborative and transparent process with BC First Nations to better meet health and wellness needs

    Design and implement mechanisms to engage BC First Nations with regard to community interests and health care needs

    Enhance collaboration among First Nations Health Providers and other health providers to address economies of scale service delivery issues to improve efficiencies and access to health care

    Carry out research and policy development in the area of First Nations health and wellness

    The FNHA may undertake other functions, roles and responsibilities connected to health and wellness of First Nations and other Aboriginal people in BC.

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