The challenge: quit for 24hrs, enter to win one of two $250 cash prizes each month.
this fall, the FNHA is partnering with
QuitNow BC to support a short
term quit for all First Nations and Aboriginal people who use commercial
We know that most people who smoke or chew commercial
tobacco want to quit, and we also know that the more people try to quit,
the more likely they are to succeed. The trick is finding the
motivation to commit to a date and go for it. Just like learning
anything new, learning to be commercial tobacco-free takes time, it
takes practice -- and it takes a little nudge sometimes. And that's what
The Tobacco Timeout Challenge is all about: providing that spark to
turn a wish into an action.
The challenge will take place every
first Tuesday of the month -- the first one will be September 1st. Join
quitters from across the province, and sign up at: