A big thank you to everyone who applied for the Urban and Away from Home (UAH) Funding Initiative! We are excited to officially announce the 2024-2025 UAH grant recipients whose efforts, supported by these funds, will continue to enhance the health and wellness of the UAH population.
We look forward to seeing the incredible work that they will do to support the UAH community in areas of primary care, mental health and wellness, the toxic drug response, and addressing anti-Indigenous racism and promoting cultural safety in health care.
Please join us in congratulating all 21 organizations and communities for their hard work and dedication!
2024-2025 UAH Grant Recipients
Fraser Salish:
- Ucwalmicw All Nations Services Society
- Boston Bar First Nation
- Mission Friendship Centre Society
- Telmexw Awtexw Healing Centre
Vancouver Coastal:
- Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society
- Squamish Nation
- Turtle Spirit Land Based Healing Society
- Kitasoo Xai'xais Nation
- Líl̓wat Nation
Vancouver Island:
- Victoria Native Friendship Centre
- Huli'tun Health Society
- Ehattesaht Chinehkint First Nation
- Huu-ay-aht First Nations
- Splatsin
- Esketemc Health Center
- Xaxli'p First Nation
- Yunesit'in Government
- Carrier Sekani Family Services
- Stellaten First Nation
- Gitga'at First Nation
About the UAH Funding Initiative
The UAH Funding Initiative launched in 2023 and has since supported impactful programs benefiting the UAH population across BC. The initiative provides grants of up to $25,000 to fund or supplement programs in the areas of:
- Primary care
- Mental health and wellness
- The toxic drug response
- Addressing anti-Indigenous racism and promoting cultural safety in health care
Stay connected
To learn more about the UAH Funding Initiative and other UAH opportunities, please visit the UAH webpage on the FNHA website (fnha.ca/uah) or email us at UAH@fnha.ca.