~ a fun message from Dr. Shannon McDonald, Deputy CMO
& Anita Christoff, OCMO Health & Wellness Writer
'Tis the season to go crazy…
Shopping! Cooking! Can't be lazy!
Trim the tree & plan the parties
Roast the turkey gold & hearty
Make each person's favourite treats
Got to be sure their joy's complete
Bake those pies, those cookies, those sweets
It's Christmas; time to eat, eat, eat!

Tons to do, only one of you
Need more hours to make it through
The budget takes a deep hard hit
Want to fulfill everyone's wish
Crowds in the malls are loud & insane
My feet are tired & oh my poor brain
Time's running out, my patience is too...
There's just so much, so much left to do!

OR … Wait, wait, wait!
Let's slam on the brakes!
Is there a BETTER WAY we can take?

Let's slow down – reason, be sensible
Is all this stuff really ESSENTIAL?
Couldn't we buy the cookies & pies?
Couldn't we check our lists & downsize?
Make the choice to shop a lot less?
Ask ourselves if we need that new dress?
Host a potluck, hug family & friends?
Wear PJs, curl up, read a book to the end?

We often create our own darn stress
& make our lives feel like a jumbled mess
Let's let it go, & simplify
The Christmas season will fly by
But what's important will remain
So, until December comes again
With all the delights this season brings
Be well & find joy in simple things.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!