Empowering Communities through Health Infrastructure Investments



​​In partnership with First Nations communities across BC, the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is making significant capital investments to improve access to culturally safe care closer to home.

The FNHA Health Infrastructure program currently has 68 ongoing projects across the province. These projects can be categorized into the following five types of initiatives:

  • Mental health and wellness facilities
  • Health facilities, including health centres, nursing stations and professional residences
  • First Nations-led Primary Care Centres
  • Health emergency infrastructure
  • Staff accommodations, including the new Metro Vancouver Office

Improving access to primary care services that are grounded in cultural safety and humility is a key area of focus for the FNHA.

As Julie Morrison, VP Regional Operations, Northern Region at FHNA explains, “Most of our communities are rural and remote, so they need a lot of support in getting access to services. Our capital projects are making sure that the communities have the facilities they need to deliver care. When we talk about cultural safety and humility, the communities know how to make these centres fit their community, protocols and traditions."

Major capital investments that are currently underway include:

“The health investments that are being made in community are a response to requests from community, and we know the needs are great," says Greg Shea, Vice President, Health Infrastructure and Development at the FNHA. “These projects are a reflection of where we're active today and we look forward to advancing many more projects in future with community."

Learn more about the FNHA capital investments happening across BC: ​

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