First Nations Health Authority Issues Guidance on Notification of COVID-19 Cases


The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is committed to informing leadership and health workers about COVID-19 cases in community in a manner that respects the rights and privacy of the patient while ensuring the health and wellness of all.

After doing our due diligence and working with our health system partners, provincially and federally, the FNHA finalized the notification guideline on May 6, 2020. ​This was followed by an announcement of the new Notification Guideline on May 7, 2020 during an all-Chiefs online forum hosted by the First Nations Health Council. ​This guideline has a notification pathway for the Chief and health director.

The patient gets immediate access to the appropriate follow-up, and the FNHA works to support the community and the regional health authority to quickly prevent any further spread of the virus.

Throughout the pandemic, the FNHA has worked closely with its health partners to ensure prompt response to any outbreak in communities in a culturally safe and appropriate manner.

For our detailed guideline on responding to a confirmed positive case, please go to the following link on our website:

For more information on the coronavirus update please go to the following link: ​
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