First Nations Health Authority's National Aboriginal Day of Wellness
events are fast approaching - Where will you be on June 21?
Ninety-nine diverse wellness events will take place on National Aboriginal
Day including everything from horse treks, back-to-land medicine
gathering, Elders storytelling, traditional foods, canoe races, pow-wow,
10km races for all abilities, health screenings, information booths and
more! Our
goal is to transform Aboriginal Day into a Day of Wellness and to have
every First Nations and Aboriginal person active on Aboriginal Day.
excited to support the transformation of Aboriginal Day into a day of
wellness and activity! First Nations and Aboriginal people have always
been resilient and this is the perfect day to get out, exercise, nourish
our bodies and nurture our spirits!
Check out our event page here for more information and find a Day of Wellness event near you on our interactive map!
Be sure to join and share our Facebook event page here!