New Tuberculosis Resources from the FNHA - World TB Day 2016


FNHA-Tuberculosis-Awareness-Poster.jpgIn recognition of World Tuberculosis (TB) Day March 24 the FNHA is pleased to share a number of new digital TB pamphlets, poster and postcard – as well as a refresh of our Tuberculosis web content

On April 1 the FNHA is transitioning the Tuberculosis Services for Aboriginal Communities (TBSAC) programming formerly delivered by BCCDC to the First Nations Health Authority. As noted in an October 2015 communique, the TBSAC program will now be a part of the FNHA's Community Health and Wellness services under the title of FNHA Tuberculosis Services.

Bringing the TB program to FNHA provides a valuable opportunity to align TB education, programs and services with other First Nations Communicable Disease Control services internally and with partners, including BCCDC. Importantly, having the TB program at FNHA gives a single FNHA point of contact to nurses and health staff in BC First Nations communities which will enhance community access to, effectiveness of, TB services.

A full communique will be released next week along with new materials for service providers. Print copies of the above TB resources will also be available in the coming weeks along with an order form to obtain them for First Nations communities in BC.

On April 1, 2016 the FNHA assumes the Tuberculosis Services for Aboriginal Communities (TBSAC) program from BCCDC. A communique update will be shared next week – for now, read our previous communique on this transfer here:

October 2015

Download our TB Services Pamphlets & Posters here:

Respiratory Health: What is Tuberculosis?

Preventing TB Disease: Medication Treatment for TB Infection

Preventing Tuberculosis in First Nations Children

Tuberculosis Medications

Tuberculosis and HIV

Tuberculosis and Diabetes

Symptoms of TB disease postcard

Poster: Symptoms of TB Disease and Get Checked Poster

For any questions on FNHA TB Services transition or the above materials please contact:

FNHA TB Services  
