A message from Dr. Becky Palmer, Chief Nursing Officer
Each year, the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) identifies a theme for National Nursing Week. This year it is #WeAnswerTheCall, which appropriately reflects the actions of our nurses during this unprecedented time.
What do these words mean to our FNHA nurses?
“To step up when you see the work that needs to be done, not being afraid to start, and advocating for the community's needs," said Amber Froste, Community Health Nurse for the Okanagan Indian Band.
“My work wouldn't be possible without the frontline nurses that invite us to work with them. It's them answering the call of the communities," said Kate Hodgson, Nursing Practice Consultant, Substance Use and Addictions
This past year in particular has showcased the many roles—such as the examples above—that nurses play in supporting the health and wellness of our individuals, families and communities. Our nurses have been responsive to both the COVID-19 pandemic and opioid pandemics, advancing primary care, providing care across the continuum of care, and committed to advancing our work in anti-indigenous racism and cultural safety and humility. At all points in the system, nurses have stepped up to make a difference, and contribute to transforming the health care system into one that we can all stand behind.
May 10 was the launch of National Nursing Week 2021 and it was also Indigenous Nurses' Day. We have many strong Indigenous nurses and nursing leaders across the FNHA and within our communities. We are committed to not only providing excellence and quality in service, but to advancing our efforts to transform the system of care into one that reflects the values and directives that guide our work. We know we have work ahead of us, and we are committed to doing what it takes!
Our communities and our leadership have always been key champions for our nurses, and this week provides an opportunity to also increase awareness among the public, policy-makers and governments of the many contributions of nursing to the well-being of Canadians.
We raise our hands to our teammates, in all aspects of care—from practice, education, research, leadership, innovation and advocacy. Through and through, they demonstrate excellence!
Please join me this week in honouring all of our amazing nurses. Thank you for answering the call! We appreciate you!
If you're looking to learn more about a nursing career at FNHA, visit our nursing web page.
Be sure to read the stories listed below from our nurses!