Join Moose Hide Campaign Day on May 12
Indigenous women and children face a disproportionate risk of experiencing or being impacted by violence in Canada, with Indigenous women facing almost three times the risk of experiencing domestic violence compared to non-Indigenous women in Canada.
Every year, the Moose Hide Campaign highlights the role men and boys play in addressing this risk by standing up and speaking out against violence towards women and children, uplifting a culture of healthy masculinity, and empowering men on their personal healing journeys.
This year, Moose Hide Campaign Day takes place on Thursday, May 12.
Indigenous men and boys, as well as all Canadians, are invited to fast from sunrise to sunset to show their commitment to building safer communities for women and children across Canada. Participants are supported over the course of the day through an online livestream, which includes traditional ceremonies and workshops with traditional Knowledge Keepers.
You can register to join the general Moose Hide Campaign Day event or the Youth Focused Moose Hide Campaign Day event for students from kindergarten to grade 12.
The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led initiative, hosting and supporting gatherings to empower communities to act, as well as distributing moose hide pins that represent a personal pledge to work towards ending violence.