We want to know your thoughts on the changing climate



​Are you concerned and passionate about supporting health and wellness amidst a changing climate? The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) invites community staff, leaders, knowledge holders and youth both in-community and away-from-home to a series of engagement opportunities to help inform the FNHA's organizational strategies as well as federal planning initiatives to develop action plans, resource requirements and responsiveness to community climate-health priorities.  ​

As part of our vision to provide the highest level of health and wellness for First Nations in BC, the FNHA is hosting a series of regional and province-wide focus groups and online survey opportunities in order to hear about:

  • priority climate change and health risks for you and your community
  • actions that you or your community are taking to address the​ health impacts of climate change
  • key gaps and opportunities
  • the roles and responsibilities that FNHA should have in supporting communities

The perspectives shared will help inform actions, strategies and resourcing plans across the health sector to support the health and wellness of First Nations amidst a changing climate.

The province-wide (all welcome) focus group is on June 12th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Please register here.

If you cannot join the focus group, you can submit your thoughts and feedback on these topics through an online survey open until June 30, 2024.

Focus group and survey participants have the chance to enter to win one of four door prizes (two first aid kits and two power bank solar chargers valued at $60 each).

For more information or to provide feedback please contact climate.health@fnha.ca

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