Medical Transportation Benefit

About this Benefit​  • What My Plan Covers • Meal Rates • Escorts • ​How Do I Access Coverage? • What My Plan Does Not Cover • Appeals • Client Forms

​April 1, 2025, MT Benefit updates:

Mileage Rate Adjustment

FNHA is transitioning the temporary mileage rate adjustment to a permanent increase to better support Clients who use their private vehicles for medical travel. In response to the current economic environment, an additional $0.04/km increase will be applied to the previously set April 1, 2025 adjustment.

As of April 1, 2025, the permanent mileage rates will be:​

Standard Mileage Rate:
​​$0.29 per kilometre
​​​Special Mileage Rate (for remote communities, as specified in their Funding Agreements):
$0.35 per kilometre

A full history of MT mileage rate changes can be found here.

For detailed information about these changes, please visit our news post here

​December 2, 2024, MT Benefit Updates:

Meal Rate Changes

Effective December 2, 2024, The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) has updated the meal rates within the Medical Transportation (MT) Benefit to better assist Clients travelling for medical appointments.

To ensure Clients have access to healthy food options while travelling for medical care, The FNHA is increasing the daily rate to cover the cost of two meals for Clients on same-day trips.

Additionally, The FNHA is implementing inflationary adjustments to address rising food prices in restaurants across BC.

For detailed information about the changes to MT meal rates and eligibility, please visit our news post here.

Travel to FNHA-Funded Trauma and Recovery programs

FNHA is​​ expanding the MT Benefit to include travel for Clients attending FNHA-Funded Trauma and Recovery programs, as well as the new Orca Lelum Youth Treatment Centre.

Eligible trauma and recovery programs for travel support include:

For detailed information about these changes, please visit our news post here.


​About this Benefit

For many First Nations people, especially those living in rural or remote areas, it can be challenging to access necessary medical care. First Nations Health Benefits offers support to help with these challenges through the Medical Transportation (MT) Benefit.

Health Benefits works with First Nations communities to deliver the MT Benefit. Community Patient Travel Clerks or First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) Assessors are your connections to help you access your MT Benefits.

​​A Medical Transportation factsheet is available here. You can access the Medical Transportation Benefit Schedule (i.e. the policy guide) here​.

What My Plan Covers

Your MT Benefits provide assistance with the cost of meals, accommodation and transportation to help you travel to a medical appointment outside your community of residence. MT coverage is intended as a supplement and may not cover the full cost of your travel.

You can acces​s medical transportation benefits if you are traveling to:

  • ​Medical services covered by MSP or a public health agency;
  • Services eligible under the Health Benefits Program (e.g., dental, vision, etc.);
  • Traditional healers; or
  • ​​Treatment at an FNHA funded facility for substance use (formerly NNADAP).

MT benefits cover travel to the closest appropriate provider, using the most efficient and economical type of transportation appropriate for your needs and medical condition.  ​​

Meal Rates

Effective December 2, 2024, meal rates will change as reflected in the table below:

Fee schedule for meal rates​​​
​Rate t​y​pe​
​Previous rate
​Updated rate 
effective​ December 2, 2024
​Daily rate for same-day trips lasting more than six hours.
​$17.0​​​0 per person
​​​$35.50​ per person
(5+ years)
​​$17.00 per person
(under 5 years)
Nightly rate for overnight trips up to six nights in duratio​n.
​$68.00 per night per person 
(5+ years)
​$70.50 per night per person 
(5+ years)​
$29.00 per night per person 
(under 5 years)
$30.00 per night per pers​on 
(under 5 years)
Weekly rate for overnight trips of seven nights or more.
​$283.00 per week per C​​lient
​​$283.00 per week per Clie​​nt
$425.00 per week per Client and approved escort*​$425.00 per week per Client and approved escort*​​​​

*Note: The weekly rate of $425 per week is an inclusive rate for the Client and escort and applies only when the Client is an outpatient. An approved escort supporting a Client in the hospital will continue to access the weekly rate of $283 per week.​​


If you need someone to accompany you on your trip to your appointment, you may be eligible to travel with an escort. Escorts are covered under certain conditions, including if you: 

  • Are a minor;
  • Need help with activities of daily living (e.g., dressing, eating, or bathing);
  • Are undergoing a medical procedure (e.g., day surgery) or have a medical condition that means you need help to get home;
  • Will face a language barrier; or
  • Are travelling to give birth.

You may be asked to provide documentation from your healthcare provider to show you need an escort.

How Do I Acce​​ss Coverage?

Most Clients should contact their community's Patient Travel Clerk to access medical transportation benefits. If your community does not have a Patient Travel clerk or you do not know who to contact, call Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454.

  1. Submit a Medical Transportation Request Form  at least 5 business days before your trip to get prior approval before travelling. You will also need to submit written confirmation of your appointment from your provider. If you do not get prior approval​ for your trip, or if you do not submit your request form ahead of time, you may have to reschedule your appointment or pay for your travel costs yourself and then request reimbursement. 
  2. Your community Patient Travel clerk will make your travel arrangements and sends you the details. 
  3. Attend your appointment as scheduled.
  4. After your trip, submit a written confirmation of attendance (COA). You must provide confirmation from your provider that you attended your appointment. If you need to request reimbursement, you will need to submit your written COA with your request. Clients who do not attend their appointment may be asked to pay back the cost of their travel.

If you have any questions about your medical transportation benefits, how to access coverage, or why a claim was denied, call Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454.

What My Plan Does Not Cove​r

Some types of travel are Exclusions. Exclusions cannot be covered as an exception and cannot be appealed. MT benefit Exclusions include, but are not limited to:

  • Compassionate travel (e.g., travelling to visit a family member who is receiving medical treatment);
  • Payment of fees for a doctor's note;
  • Travel back to your community of residence if you become sick or injured while away from home;
  • Travel when the medically necessary service is available in your community;
  • Travel to access medical appointments located outside of Canada;
  • Travel to access services that are not considered medically necessary; or
  • Travel where the only purpose is to pick up items that do not need to be fitted (e.g., prescriptions, prescription glasses or contacts and some medical supplies and equipment).

You can call Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454 to learn more about what is covered. 


When a coverage request for travel has been denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. Items and services that are Exclusions cannot be appealed. See the Ap​peals page for more information about the appeals process.

Client Forms

The forms below are for clients whose travel is being arranged by Health Benefits. If a Patient Travel clerk is arranging your travel, contact them for the appropriate forms.  

Medical Transportation Checklist
Medical Transportation Request Form
Medical Transportation Confirmation of Appointment Form
Medical Transportation Escort Form
Medical Transportation Confirmation of Attendance Form​​

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