New Resources Offer Information About First Nations Health Benefits

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) has created a series of new resources describing the health benefits program available to its First Nations ​clients. These resources include a guide and seven fact sheets. 

The First Nations Health Benefits guide describes all the benefit areas as well as topics such as eligibility, MSP (the provincial Medical Services Plan), reimbursement procedures, and appeals. While the online version of this guide has been regularly updated, the latest version is also being printed and will be distributed through a variety of channels, including the Health Benefits Community Relations Representatives in each health region. Anyone who has an older version is encouraged to recycle it as much of the information is outdated – or will be as of Sept. 16. 
On that date, the FNHA will transition dental, vision, and medical supplies and equipment (MS&E) and select drug benefits off the federal Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program. The FNHA's new partner, BC-based benefits provider Pacific Blue Cross, will then administer these benefits.

The FNHA will expand benefit coverage for many preventive health services and special needs at the time of this transition. 

Highlights of the improvements to the benefit program are described in a fact sheet about the transition as well as in individual fact sheets that have been created to describe each of the benefit areas: 

To be administered by Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) as of Sept. 16:

• Dental 

There is no change in administration of the following programs:
The Health Benefits section of the FNHA website will be updated Sept. 16 to reflect the changes that go into effect on that date. Meanwhile, information about the coming changes is available on a PBC transition page​.
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