Above: Kathleen LaRock participates in last year's Day of Wellness event
The grant applications are open until June 1.
There are few things which lift our spirits more than gathering together and celebrating our unique heritage and traditions under a warm summer sky during National Indigenous Peoples Day. Unfortunately, despite our ongoing efforts to vaccinate the COVID-19 pandemic from our lives, we're not quite ready to return to large community events.
As a health authority, we at the FNHA recognize the harm that physical distancing and isolation can have on the health and wellbeing of the First Nations individuals, families and communities we serve. It is important to continue honouring our culture, resilience and community while being mindful of following recommended public health orders.
With this in mind, the FNHA is providing Indigenous Peoples Day of Wellness Grants to support community-led, virtual celebrations in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, June 21, 2021.
First Nations communities, schools and health and social organizations that provide wellness services to Indigenous British Columbians will be eligible for up to $1,000 to conduct their own virtual/online celebration to honour National Indigenous Peoples Day.
Here are community stories that can inspire your event or initiative:
Grant Criteria:
- The Grants are intended to support virtual initiatives that encourage First Nations in BC to celebrate and honour National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, 2021.
- Activities must be conducted through methods that support physical distancing and in alignment with Orders of the Provincial Health Officer (e.g., virtual gatherings, webinars).
- Eligible recipients include First Nations communities, BC schools, and health and social organizations that provide wellness services to Indigenous people in BC
- Recipients are encouraged to collaborate with neighbouring communities and organizations where feasible.
- Eligible recipients are able to access a single grant up to $1,000 and completion of a brief closing report will be required to capture the highlights of your initiative.

Above: Participants physically distancing during the 2020 Day of Wellness event.
How to Apply:
Deadline to submit an application is Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
There are three ways to submit an application:
1. Complete the online application form (preferred method)
2. Complete the application form and email to active@fnha.ca
3. Complete the application form and fax to 604-666-3867 (call us at (778) 984-8884 beforehand)
For more information, please email active@fnha.ca or call (604) 693-6529.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who can apply for the Wellness Grants?
The funding applications for a Community Wellness Grant must be received from: (1) a First Nations Community/Band/Village Council. (2) an organization or agency that services Indigenous People and is a registered society, or (3) a school or educational institution.
2. Can an Individual apply for a grant?
No. The funds cannot be distributed to an individual. The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) encourages people with an idea or concept to match and connect with a group that meets the criteria described in question one.
For example: if you are a certified yoga instructor who wants to provide online courses, this may be an opportunity to work with a local school or First Nations community.
3. When can the event or initiative take place?
The FNHA recommends the event or initiative take place on June 21 in honour and celebration of National Indigenous Peoples Day. However, the event or initiative can take place June 19 to June 23, 2021.
If there are goals outside this timeframe, please contact Wellness@fnha.ca.
4. Can I use the funds for an Elder Honourarium?
Yes. The funds can be used to provide an honourarium to an Elder for their services. Funds may not be used for the following: (1) the purchase of alcohol, (2) the purchase of concession items, (3) prize money, or (4) illegal purchases. The grant funds may be used for other forms of prizes, including gift cards.
5. Who can I contact for more help or to answer other questions?
Team members are available during regular business hours by phone or email.
If you have any questions, please email active@fnha.ca.
If you would like to speak to a team member by phone, call 604-693-6529.
Download this information in pdf format: https://www.fnha.ca/AboutSite/NewsAndEventsSite/NewsSite/Documents/FNHA-COVID-19-Lifting-Our-Spirits.pdf