2S/LGBTQQIA+ Wellness


​Introduction • Who is 2S/LGBTQQIA+ • Gender-Affirming Product Coverage • Hotlines • Programs and Organizations • Online Resources • Further Learning​


The FNHA recognizes that in many First Nations, 2S/LGBTQQIA+ (Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual) people have traditionally held important and respected roles in our communities. However, the impacts of colonialism have created a disconnection between 2S/LGBTQQIA+ people and these traditional identities and roles, as well as the erasure of recognition for these identities through the introduction of homophobia, transphobia and sexism.

The FNHA is committed to working in partnership with First Nations people in BC, including those who identify as 2S/LGBTQQIA+, to ensure access to inclusive, culturally safe and wholistic health and wellness services. You can learn more about our commitment and related initiatives in the stories and information below.

Who is 2S/LGBTQQI​A+?

2S/LGBTQQIA+ is an umbrella term that is inclusive of people who identify as Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual, as well as other diverse genders and sexualities that do not align with the Western binaries.

What is “Two-Spirit"?

"Two-Spirit" is an Indigenous-specific term that is used to self-identify with expressions of gender or sexuality through a pre-colonial lens. Two-Spirit identities exist separately from Western constructs of sexuality and gender, and are not equivalent to an LGBTQQIA+ identity. However, an Indigenous person may self-identify as both Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA+.

The term “Two-Spirit" was first proposed by Elder Myra Laramee during the Third Annual Inter-tribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference in 1990. It was offered as an alternative to the colonial term used to describe First Nations people of diverse gender and sexual expressions, berdache.

According to the Two-Spirit Dry Lab, "Two-Spirit is meant to facilitate Indigenous Peoples' connections with Nation-specific expressions and roles of gender and sexual diversity. It is a way for Indigenous Peoples to reconnect with their traditional languages, ways and cultures within a pre-Colonial setting."

What Does the “/" in “2S/LGBTQQIA+" Mean?

We have chosen to include a “/" in the acronym 2S/LGBTQQIA+ to distinguish Two-Spirit identities from Western and LGBTQQIA+ identities, which may not reflect the cultural, historical and spiritual dimensions. Moreover, there has been limited engagement of 2S individuals in research, leading to an inaccurate conflation of their experiences with those of the broader LGBTQQIA+ community. The choice of this version of the acronym aligns with usage by the Two-Spirit Dry Lab and the Community-Based Research Centre.

Gender-Affirming Product C​​overage­­

Coverage to access Gender-Affirming Products is provided through a partnership between the FNHA and Pacific Blue Cross (PBC). The following products are covered for Status First Nations people in BC through the Medical Supplies & Equipment benefit:

  • Bra inserts (pair)
  • Brassiere- for bra inserts
  • Lower body garment – gaff
  • Packer phallus
  • Packer – securement
  • Packer – with Stand to Pee (STP) device
  • Stand to Pee device
  • Upper Body Garment – binder
  • Vaginal dilator – kit
  • Vaginal dilator – single

To access these items, you will need a prescription from a medical doctor, nurse practitioner or psychologist. If your provider is registered with PBC, your provider may be able to submit a claim to PBC directly, or you can submit your receipts for reimbursement.

You can learn more about how to access coverage for Gender Affirming Products on the Medical Supplies & Equipment Benefit page.


Note: Not all of the resources listed below are specific to serving Two-Spirit and/or Indigenous LGBTQQIA+ people. Many items on this list were compiled through recommendations from a Two-Spirit advisory committee, and it may not be exhaustive. ​

​Programs and Organ​izations

Online Resources

Further Learning​

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