Wellness and the First Nations Health Authority

​The FNHA is committed to supporting First Nations individuals, families and communities in achieving the highest level of health and wellness.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cultural Safet​y​​ and Humility

“It starts with me” – a commitment to cultural safety and cultural humility can create a climate for change through active participation, learning, self-reflection and positive change. Get FNHA materials that can help. 

Commitment S​​​tick Initiative

“Violence Stops with Me” –  Esk'etemc Commitment Sticks are symbols of a personal commitment to live violence free. Get the commitment stick event planning guide. 

FNHA Wellnes​s A​pproach

The FNHA is a health and wellness partner to each and every First Nations person living in BC. Read more in our infosketches.


​​​Contact FNHA's Wellness Initiatives Team
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