Jordanna Roesler

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Jordanna's Message | Find Your Team | Be Present in the Moment | Decolonise Your Mind | Try Meditating


​Jordanna's Message

​​“I maintain balance by finding time to exercise, spending time in nature, and talking to loved ones." 

Jordanna Roesler is a member of the Dene First Nation​. During COVID-19, Jordanna Gets Perspective.​

Find Your Team        

Working with a group with a common interest or goal can contribute to your overall health and wellness – be it a sports team, an online community or even one you play video games with. Take Jordanna for instance, who stays well by working closely with people from her workplace and is a great example of how to find and connect with people with similar values and interests, even during COVID-19. 

Be Present in the Moment

Mindfulness has only recently gained popularity in the Western world as more and more people recognize the benefits of living “in the moment." When we focus on the present and pay attention to our surroundings and actions – and accept them without judgement – we can improve our overall physical and mental health. 

Decolonise your Mind

Michael Yellow Bird, an Indigenous scholar of mindfulness in Canada, explains that mindfulness can help “decolonise the mind," allowing us to replace negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors with healthy and productive ones. 

Try Meditating

If you want to try out mindfulness-based meditation, why not try out Insight Timer? Insight Timer is a free app that has guided meditations, tips and tricks for you to start your practice now.​​​​​​​​

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