Toxic Drug Crisis Data

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The FNHA works closely with health partners to gather data about the impacts of the toxic drug supply on First Nations people in BC. Indigenous people who are not recognized as having First Nations status under the Indian Act are unfortunately not represented in this data. The FNHA is committed to working with provincial partners towards meaningful, systemic change that will make more inclusive data collection possible.

The FNHA gratefully acknowledges the health partners that make this data available: BC Centre for Disease Control, BC Coroners Service, BC Emergency Health Services, and the BC Ministry of Health.

The FNHA summarizes the toxic drug crisis data into:

  • Situation reports (monthly)
  • Data infographics (annually and semi-annually)
Latest Data Infographics

Townhall Presentations

  • 2023

2023 Situation Reports​
2023 Infographics (January to December)
2023 Infographics (January to June)
  • 2022

2022 Situation Reports
2022 Infographics (January to December)
2022 Infographics (January to June)
  • 2021

2021 Situation R​eports
2021 Infographics (January to December)
2021 Infographics (January to June)
  • 2020

2020 Infographics (January to December)
2020 Infographics (January to May)

Please Note:

This material may trigger unpleasant feelings or thoughts. Please contact the 24 Hour KUU-US Crisis Line at 1-800-588-8717 if you need emotional support.​​​​