Temporary Changes to Mental Health Benefits in Response to COVID-19


Travel-in Mental Health Providers 
All travel into communities for mental health providers is suspended. In order to avoid the potential spread of COVID-19 to our clients in remote and isolated communities, we are temporarily halting all travel-in mental health provider services. FNHA will continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updated communications once travel into communities is once again permitted. 

In-Person Mental Health Appointments
All non-urgent, in-person mental health appointments should be cancelled indefinitely. This includes appointments under all Mental Health Benefit programs. Providers can begin or continue to provide counselling services via telehealth and telephone.

Telehealth and Telephone Services
Telehealth includes counselling services delivered over the phone or videoconferencing. Providers can offer mental health counselling via telehealth or telephone, where appropriate. Clients should contact their providers if they are interested in continuing their counseling appointments via telehealth. Any other appointment specific questions should also be directed to clients’ providers.

Please contact Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454 if you have any questions.​
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