Medical Transportation Transformation Project


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our Journey to Medical Transportation Transformation


What is Transformation?

Where are we at?

In 2013, the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) assumed responsibility for programs and services from Health Canada, including the Medical Transportation (MT) Program. The MT program assists eligible clients with transportation, accommodation and meal expenses as they travel to medical appointments outside their communities of residence.

Since its inception, the FNHA has undertaken two major transformations. The first was the creation of Plan W (Wellness) for drug benefits in 2017. In 2019, the FNHA entered into a partnership with Pacific Blue Cross for claims processing of dental, vision, medical supplies & equipment and mental wellness benefits.

Through community and leadership engagements and meetings, the FNHA heard the need for MT improvements suiting the diverse needs and geography across the province. Our MT transformation journey began in March 2020. We are excited by the opportunity to take you along as we build a community-driven, Nation-based program to meet the needs of First Nations in BC. 

The FNHA is working with the First Nations Health Directors Association (FNHDA) and communities to transform the MT program. 

It is our hope that you will use this webpage to learn about completed and upcoming MT transformation changes.

Recent Program Improvements

1. Benefit Improvements

Meal Rates

Effective Oct. 3, 2022, FNHA increased meal rates for clients travelling for medical appointments. Learn more.

Mileage Rates

Effective Sept. 16, 2022, the MT mileage rate changed from $0.32 to $0.29. This change is in effect until March 31, 2023. The change also applies to the special mileage rate applicable to certain remote communities. Learn more.

2. Updates to MT Benefits Schedule

On July 4, 2022, FNHA announced updates to MT Benefits Schedule. MT requests for the following will now be considered regular MT benefits:
  • Opioid agonist treatment (OAT)
  • Withdrawal management (also referred to as detox)
  • FNHA-funded treatment centres​
Patient Travel Clerks and Health Leads should refer to the PT Clerk User Guide for information when coordinating medical transportation for these services. Contact for the guide.

On July 19, 2022, FNHA hosted a webinar on MT Benefit Schedule Updates via ZOOM.

3. Developing a Medical Transportation Administrative System

The FNHA partnered with Bright Health Solutions to design and develop a web-based, online booking system to improve medical travel planning for PT Clerks and clients by reducing administrative loads and introduce greater efficiencies in medical travel booking and reporting.

A sample screenshot of a completed trip in the system.

We request all our Funding Agreement holding communities to please contact us at​ to schedule a demo and information session.

Engagement Opportunities

Community is, and always has been, the heart of our work here. 

The FNHA and FNHDA co-hosted engagement sessions supporting MT transformation.  The sessions covered wide-ranging topics such as cultural safety, provider selection, administrative processes and tools, budgeting, and capacity to deliver the program in First Nations communities. The sessions generated several key themes. The themes provide FNHA with a strong foundation for program improvements and, ultimately, transformation.

The FNHA and FNHDA co-hosted nine engagement sessions supporting MT transformation.  The sessions covered a wide range of topics such as cultural safety, provider selection, administrative processes and tools, budgeting, and capacity to deliver the program in First Nations communities. Through these sessions, several key themes emerged. They provide FNHA with a strong foundation for program improvements and, ultimately, transformation.

FNHA published a comprehensive MT Engagement Summary Report from these sessions. 

The report can be accessed here​.​

Training/ Education and Support


The FNHA is offering Patient Travel Clerks monthly MT Training via Zoom. The training provides detailed instruction for all health leads and PT Clerks that deliver MT programs within communities. Please email​ to book your spot in the next available session.

Journeys Update

Keep up to date on upcoming changes, important reminders, and helpful tips. The Journeys Update is a recurring newsletter to support communities in their delivery of the MT program.

Jour​​neys ​​Archive

Contact Us

For questions, comments, or feedback regarding th​e MT transformation project, please contact​​

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