Healthy Medication Use Pharmacy Care Initiative Grant


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pharmacists are an easily accessible health care provider who can help clients manage their medications and optimize drug therapy. Pharmacists can provide a number of services in addition to dispensing medications, including prescribing for common ailments and contraception, providing immunizations, offering recommendations for over-the-counter medications covered by Plan W, conducting annual medication reviews, and providing certain medical supplies and equipment. The FNHA is supporting t​he link between health care service organizations and pharmacy services with new Pharmacy Care Initiative Grants to better promote and enhance client care.

Grant Eligibility:

Pharmacy Care Initiative grants are available April 1, 2024 to First Nations communities and First Nations organizations that are engaged in direct health service delivery to First Nations people in British Columbia (BC).   The funding is to support co-development and implementation of pharmacy-related initiatives that improve pharmacy care for community members. To be eligible this fiscal year, the deadline for applications is Dec. 31, 2024 and the project or initiative must be completed before March 31, 2025.

In the spirit of leaving no one behind, First Nations communities that require support to complete the grant application and/or develop a plan for this work please email

Applications will be weighed against the following criteria:

The proposed project or initiative demonstrates collaboration or partnership between the applicant and a pharmacy through:

*Creating processes (and related documents) with pharmacies in the areas of:

  • Shingrix Vaccination (Draft template available)
  • Resolving Coverage Issues
  • Diabetes Medication Management
  • Smoking Cessation Therapy (Draft template available)
  • Enhancing wrap-around care for community OAT programming
  • Prescription Delivery Process (Note: purchase of medication and/or payment for delivery service is out of scope)
  • Access to Over the Counter Medication (Draft template available)
  • Access to Clinical Pharmacy Services (i.e. medication reviews)

*In-person and virtual initiatives that bring pharmacists into communities to collaborate and build relationships with community members, nursing team and Health Centre staff

*Other pharmacy service priorities identified by the applicant

Grant Funding

The Healthy Medication Use – Pharmacy Care Initiative Grants provides an initial payment of $3,000 in funding. If a pharmacy care project or initiative demonstrates further funding needs, additional funding up to a maximum of $10,000 per application can be considered.  

Application Form

To apply for a grant, please complete this application. Funds may be used for any required costs necessary to carry out the project or initiative with the exception of those listed as ineligibl​e on the application. Only fully completed application forms will be considered.

There are two ways to submit an application:

Complete the online application form (this is the preferred method).  Once processed you will receive a copy of your application form by e-mail

Download the PDF file, print it, s​can it and email it to 

Please submit the Application no later than Dec. 31, 2024​. 

Reporting and Sharing Your Stories

The project or initiative must be completed before March 31, 2025, and a closing report (template provided) is due by March 31, 2025

The FNHA would like to learn from your initiatives and share resources and information in order to continue to grow in our collective wellness journey. As such, all approved initiatives will be required to submit a brief closing report (see template provided below). Photos to illustrate your initiative are also greatly appreciated! 

There are two ways to submit the closing report:

Complete the online closing report (this is the preferred method).  Once processed you will receive a copy of your report form by e-mail​

Download the PDF file​, print it, scan it and email it to​

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