May 05, 2020

Pamela Crema, FNHA Nursing Manager-Interior Region
“We are nature and it us, and we simply don’t function optimally, mentally or physically, when we become disconnected from this power source, called Mother Earth." i
We are on a new journey at this time, staying home as advised by Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC top health official, and keeping our physical distancing from others. On April 22, 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It's our opportunity to make more time to get back into nature!
Are you ready to take a big breath of fresh air and put your hands in the soil? It's time to connect to the land and have an opportunity to grow our own clean organic vegetables and fruit. Gardening is an opportunity to ground ourselves, time to get out of our thoughts and get out of the house.
Last year, I built my first two garden boxes that produced tasty organic vegetables. My salads were delicious with the fresh lettuce and my spaghetti sauce was flavourful with organic oregano, basil, zucchini and fresh tomatoes from the garden.
Benefits of raised gardens vs a regular gardenii:
1. No need to till the soil
2. Soil easier to work
3. Easier ergonomic options
4. Provides better weed reduction
5. Faster root growth
6. Less soil compaction
7. Higher yields of vegetables
8. Less runoff and
9. Less chemicals.

Gardening has many benefits from saving money, food security and better health from exercise and eating healthy vegetables.
It can also save you money, physical strain and even protect your health in other marginal ways a well. When the tough get going. We get growing.
Later in the summer, canning tomatoes is a great option to maintain your food for the winter. It's a great activity for you and your family. Children love to see plants grow and love to eat the foods. I can't wait to taste my first grown strawberries.

Pamela Crema, FNHA Regional Nurse Manager, Interior and Registered Holistic Nutritionist.
iThe Good Life Magazine, Natures Fare, July/August 2019ii

Delicious vegetables from the garden.