Quality Care and Safety Office


Ensuring Quality Care and Safety in BC Health Care Services • Our Role • How We Work • Cultural Safety and Humility • Your Privacy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ensuring Quality Care and ​​Safety in BC Health Care Services

First Nations and Indigenous people have a right to access a health care system that is free of racism and discrimination and to feel safe when accessing health care. This means individuals, families and communities are able to voice their perspectives, ask questions and be respected by health care professionals on their beliefs, behaviours and values. 

Clients and families have the right to raise concerns and receive a timely response to their concerns, without fear of retribution or an impact on their health services and care. We will do our best to support your cultural and psychological safety throughout the process. Clients and families may also choose to remain anonymous.

Our R​​ole

We provide a safe avenue for First Nations clients to provide feedback, based on their specific experiences, on health services system wide. These services include:

  • those delivered directly by FNHA (such as nursing stations, Virtual Doctor of the Day and some Health Benefits)
  • those delivered by external health care providers (such as hospitals)
  • those funded by FNHA (such as care provided in First Nations Community health centres, Pacific Blue Cross and PharmaCare Plan W)

How We W​​ork

We will assist you in navigating through the Health Authority’s Patient Care Quality processes. At a minimum the FNHA Quality Care and Safety Office will connect the client with the appropriate Patient Care Quality Office. In most cases, the FNHA Quality Care and Safety Office will provide additional support to the client through the completion of the review process. Information shared between the FNHA Quality Care and Safety Office and the Patient Care Quality Office may only be done with the informed consent of the client whose health information is being accessed.

When you share your experience with us:

  • We will listen and respond with privacy and respect.
  • We will gather information and outline the options available to you, including restorative ways to heal from your health care harms that are grounded in culture.
  • We will proceed only according to your wishes.
  • We will provide a written response.

Cultural Safety a​​nd Humility

The FNHA Patient Care Quality Office is grounded in and operates within the framework of Cultural Safety and Humility. Cultural safety (respectful engagement) and cultural humility (self-reflection) inform all our interactions.

Our commitment to cultural safety and humility is in line with the public interest mandates that provincial health organizations have for ensuring safe, competent and ethical care for all BC residents and addressing the systemic racism faced by BC First Nations when accessing provincial health care services. 

Your Pri​vacy 

The FNHA Quality Care and Safety Office shares your information with the Patient Care Quality Office of the relevant Health Authority only with your informed consent.​​ Information shared with our office is confidential.​​​


FNHA Quality Care and Safety​Email: Quality@fnha.ca
Phone: 1-844-935-1044 (toll-free)

Northern Region
Email: QualityNorth@fnha.ca

Interior Region
Email: QualityInterior@fnha.ca

Fraser Salish Region
Email: QualityFS@fnha.ca
Phone: 604-250-2385

Vancouver Coastal Region
Email: QualityVC@fnha.ca

​​​Vancouver Island Region
Email: QualityVI@fnha.ca
Phone: 250-637-1070​

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