Tuberculosis Services

FNHA Tuberculosis Services “In'ati Is'ick (Paddling Together)" illustration 

About this Program
What We Provide
Tuberculosis and Children

TB Educational Materials
For Health Service Providers

​​​​​​​​​​​​About this Program

FNHA Tuberculosis Services program includes consultation and support to Community Health Nurses (CHNs), Community Wellness Workers and First Nations Health Service Organizations. Persons experiencing TB are not alone; we are paddling together to get across the divide of illness and colonization to the shores of wellness and Indigenous revitalization.

Our program aims to close the gap between TB incidence for First Nations peoples of BC and the all-population rate of TB in the province by 2028, to meet the all-population rate in Canada. We are also working toward reducing the incidence of TB by 50 percent and to less than 10 cases of TB per million people by 2035.

Strategies for meeting these goals include timely and culturally safe diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care for those exposed to and diagnosed with TB and transformation of medicalized TB models of prevention to integrated health interventions that are community-driven and informed by Indigenous perspectives. 

For a complete description of program objectives and components, see the FNHA Tuberculosis Services section of the FNHA Progra​ms and Services Guide.

What We Provide

TB Services provides:

  • culturally-informed TB wellness promotion, training and consultation to community health nurses and community health workers, health directors and community members
  • coordination and guidance in the holistic case management of TB disease, latent TB infection and contact tracing
  • coordination with BCCDC TB Services in the provision of physician, lab, pharmacy and epidemiology
  • educational materials for community distribution
  • To request any of these services or to obtain print copies of our ​​educational materials, please contact us. 

Tuberculosis and Children

​Tuberculosis and Children in First Nations Communities info sheet​

TB Educational Materials​

Are You Losing Breath, Energy, Spirit? poster
First Nations Peoples and Tu​b​erculosis in BC i​nfographic
History of TB video
Preventing TB Disease: Medication Treatment for TB Infection pamphlet
Symptoms of TB Disease postcard​
Tuberculosis Medications pamphlet
Tuberculosis and HIV pamphlet
Tuberculosis and Diabete​s pamphlet
TB Skin Testing video
What Is TB? (Not TV) part 1 video
What Is TB? (Not TV) part 2 video

For Health Service Pr​​oviders

Community Programming Guide
Community Based Tuberculosis Care Manual​
Priority Screening for Tuberculosis Guide​

See the BCCDC TB Services webpage for clinical resources and forms, including algorithms, medication fact sheets and BCCDC TB Manual. 

Clinical Notification, Data Entry and​​ Panorama

FNHA TB Services coordinates all TB work provided within BC First Nations communities. Health service providers working with First Nations communities in BC can fax TB forms to FNHA TB Services confidential fax: 604-689-3302.

For communities not implementing the Panorama TB Module: 

​Submit completed forms to FNHA TB Services by confidential fax (604-689-3302) for clinical review and Panorama entry.​

For communities implementing the Panorama TB Module:

1. Conduct Panorama data entry for all TB screening activities

2. Notify FNHA TB Services of any screening requiring follow-up (CXR review, lab diagnostics, symptom or history evaluation) by email​

Panorama S​upport

For questions about data entry or the Panorama process, please contact the FNHA Panorama Team ( Please note that FNHA TB Services and BCCDC do not provide support for Panorama. 

Pharmacy, Radiolog​y and Lab 

For questions about TB-related lab work, radiology, medications or Tubersol, contact FNHA TB services at or 1-844-3642232.

Contact Us

FNHA Tuberculosis Services

Phone: 1-604-693-6998
Toll-free: 1-844-364-2232
Confidential Fax: 604-689-3302


Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.​
Closed statutory holidays and weekends

For urgent TB clinical concerns on weekends or holidays please contact the on-call Medical Health Officer serving your local Regional Health Authority

For Service Providers

​​TB Services c​ontact inform​ation poster