2014-15 FNHA Health Benefits Annual Report
We are pleased to present our FNHA Health Benefits Annual Report for 2014-2015. The FNHA assumed responsibility for federal health programs a little more than a year ago. Since Transfer, the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program has been renamed First Nations Health Benefits.
The report contains rich data on how our clients use the FNHB and forms part of our shared accountability and decision-making that we have committed to with BC First Nations.
2014-15 FNHA Health Benefits Annual report
2013-14 FNHA Health Benefits Annual Report
On behalf of the FNHA we are pleased to present our inaugural FNHA Health Benefits Annual Report 2013-2014. The FNHA assumed responsibility for federal health programs a little more than a year ago. Since Transfer, the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program has been renamed First Nations Health Benefits.
The report contains rich data on how our clients use the FNHB and forms part of our shared accountability and decision-making that we have committed to with BC First Nations.
2013-14 FNHA Health Benefits Annual report
The First Nations Health Authority is pleased to release the first edition First Nations Health Benefits Information Package. This publication has essential and informative information about the First Nations Health Benefits program including principles, coverage, workflow for claims, appeals information, frequently asked questions, contact information and more.
This document intends to assist First Nations Health Benefits clients in navigating the system in an easy and convenient way. Information within covers the health benefits areas of dental, medical supplies and equipment, medical transportation, mental health, MSP, pharmacy, vision care, travel, general, and more.
Read, download and share the First Nations Health Benefits Information Package
On October 13, 2011, BC First Nations through the First Nations Health Society, the Government of Canada, and the Province of BC signed the British Columbia Tripartite Framework Agreement on First Nation Health Governance. The Agreement paved the way for the federal government to transfer the planning, design, management, and delivery of Health Canada's First Nations Inuit Health Pacific Region to the new First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). Included in the transfer is the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program area which the FNHA will deliver as First Nations Health Benefits.
Transition and Transfer
The FNHA has built up the systems and infrastructure needed to take over Health Benefits service delivery. The transfer has occurredin two phases: on July 2, 2013, the FNHA assumed responsibility for NIHB’s Dental, Pharmacy, and Medical Supplies and Equipment benefits. As of October 1, 2013, the FNHA has assumed regional NIHB responsibilities such as medical transportation and vision.
Service Continuity
Although the FNHA has assumed responsibility for some programs, they have entered into an interim 'buy-back' arrangement with Health Canada for at least two years. This means that BC First Nations experienced little or no change on July 2, 2013. All policies and contact information for the Health Benefits program in BC will remain unchanged for the interim period. The buy-back arrangement ensures continuity of services for BC First Nations and providers while the FNHA gets necessary systems and infrastructure in place.
Improving First Nations Health Benefits
The FNHA is currently reviewing benefit areas and policies as well as seeking guidance from BC First Nations and providers on how best to improve the Health Benefits system. Working with professional associations, providers and First Nations Health Directors, the FNHA is compiling past feedback and collecting additional input on the existing Health Benefits program. There will be minor changes to improve the Health Benefits program during the buy-back phase, but the FNHA's main priority is to build up the systems and infrastructure needed to take over service delivery. This preparation will allow for more impactful systemic changes to achieve better health outcomes for BC First Nations post-transfer.
The Health Benefits Improvements Working Group meets regularly to strategize improvements to benefits programming during the buy-back period and beyond. The Working Group is pleased to work with the First Nations Health Directors Association on a Health Benefits workbook that solicits Health Director feedback as technical advisors that will help inform the future transformation of this program area. These engagement processes will assist in building and improving the FNHA Health Benefits programs for BC First Nations and providers, to improve health service delivery and to shift the focus of health service delivery for First Nations residing in BC to wellness and prevention.