
​The FNHA Health Benefits Program provides status First Nations people living in BC with a comprehensive and community-driven health benefits plan.​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Health Benefits Program Overview 

Program goals, benefit areas, client satisfaction survey and contact information

Am I Eligible for Health Benefits? 

Eligibility criteria and how to enroll

Detailed Plan Coverage 

What's covered and how to check your own coverage details

Are You a Provider? 

Resources for Mental Health Providers and Pharmacy Providers and Pacific Blue Cross Providernet contact information   

Health Benefits News

​The latest news from Health Benefits

​Client Satisfac​tion ​​​Survey

We want to hear about your experience with FNHA Health Benefits. If you would like to share your feedback, please take a few minutes to complete our client satisfaction survey​.

Your feedback will help us understand your experience. We will use this information to improve the quality of our services.

Download the survey
Surve​y FAQs

Contact Health Benefits​

Phone (toll-free): 1-855-550-5454
Email: ​health​
Fax: 1-888-299-9222

Open Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except weekends and statutory holidays​

Weekend COVID-19 self-isolation line: 1-888-305-1505

Mailing Address:
540 – 757 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1A1​

In-Person Enquiries:​
​#701 –1166 Alb​​​erni Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3​​

Health Benefi​ts Community Relations Team

Fraser Salish Region 
Sandra Martins-Toner​
Phone: 604-802-6941

Interior Region
Iona Ferguson
Phone: 604-809-1839

Northern Region
Irv David
Phone: 250-613-8564

Vancouver Coastal Region
Angel Miness
Phone: 604-830-7318

Vancouver Island Region 
Phone: 1-855-550-5454