A message from the FNHA's Wellness Team

Summer is a wonderful time to get outside and start or continue your fitness journey! Exercise and physical activity are good for the mind, body and spirit, and participating in the First Nations Health Authority's (FNHA) 30x30 Active Challenge – simply committing to moving for 30 minutes for each of the 30 days in June – is a great step towards improving your wholistic wellness.
Being active can take many different forms and can look different for different people, so it's important not to compare your movement plans with others'. If you're just beginning or resuming your physical wellness journey, it's important to be patient with yourself.
Our partners at the Indigenous Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I·SPARC) have developed engaging, informative and easy-to-follow workout videos through their FitNation Program. In these videos, FitNation leaders guide participants through full-body workouts, with options for people at all fitness levels.
You can use these free resources to add some movement to your day, even if you're in your home office – no equipment required! If you're looking to get back to the basics before you jump into a full workout, these “how to" exercise videos cover everything from different ways to squat, do jumping jacks, lunges, push-ups and more.
All FitNation videos and resources are a great opportunity for us to get active, stretch and move for 30+ minutes a day, and to have fun while doing so! They can be your full routine, or they can be a rainy day supplement to your walk or jog, a group fitness class, playing outside with your children or grandchildren or nieces and nephews, or participating in a team sport. Remember, it is all about enjoying your wellness journey and making it your own!

We encourage you to share photos and posts about your 30x30 Active Challenge photos! Don' forget to use the hashtags #FNHAWellness, #30x30ActiveChallengeFNHA and #BeActiveFNHA and you could be selected to win a gift card from SportChek.
To learn more ways to nurture your wholistic wellness including your physical health, check out I-SPARC's Events Page where you'll find sports camps, training opportunities and webinars about physical activity. What's more, you can learn about the I·SPARC's Indigenous RunWalkWheel program, Honour Your Health Challenge program, FitNation, and the Healthy Leader Training.