Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19: Do They Affect Each Other?


​​The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) has released a new animated video aimed at educating those who smoke and vape about the impact of COVID-19 on their health.

Created using whiteboard animation, the video features a fictional talk show - Our Voices, Loud and Clear -  presented by a humorous host who interviews guests to teach people how to stay safe during the pandemic and answers the question: “Do those who smoke or vape have a higher chance of getting really sick if they get infected by COVID-19?" (Hint: the short answer is “yes.")​


Join the Tobacco Timeout Challenge!

Making the decision to quit is the first step on the journey to becoming smoke-free and vapour-free. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where increased stress and anxiety can make one want to smoke or vape even more. It isn't easy and learning to be smoke and vapour-free can take time. But it's more important now than ever to try to quit and/or reduce one's use in order to keep our lungs and immune systems strong enough to fight COVID-19. The more times you try to quit and change the cycle of nicotine addiction – the more likely you are to succeed!​

Start your journey today by signing up for the Tobacco Timeout Challenge for the chance to win a $250 cash prize. The contest takes place on the first Tuesday of every month and the purpose is to encourage people to quit smoking, even for a day. The next challenge takes place Oct. 5; simply butt out for 24 hours to enter the draw and win.

Enter the contest here

If you wish to understand the link between vaping, smoking and COVID19, click here.

For more tips and support for quitting or reducing, you can also visit


Tobacco Timeout Challenge Info Sheet​

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