Learning what the ‘(er)’ is all about.
We put the '(er)' in sober(er) to be inclusive. Our aim is to encourage more people to make informed decisions about alcohol consumption and their health – not only people who want to be 'sober' but also people who want to reduce their drinking, hence 'sober(er)'.
The Sober(er) for October Challenge uses a harm reduction approach and involves a range of strategies and tactics for people that would like to reduce or stop drinking. The goal of the challenge is to enhance the knowledge, skills, resources and supports for individuals, families, and communities about alcohol. Quitting or abstinence is not required to access care and supports.
If you decide to participate in Sober(er) for October, how you'd like to challenge yourself is entirely your choice. Some people may decide to stop drinking alcohol for the full 30 days whereas others may decide to reduce their drinking; for eg. two drinks twice per week. Each of us is on own our own wellness journey and what that journey looks like is up to each of us to decide for ourselves.
Harm Reduction is about minimizing the risks of alcohol consumption. We use a harm reduction approach in everyday activities without even realizing it. For example, wearing a seatbelt when riding in a car is harm reduction. We aren't saying “Don't drive", instead we are choosing to be safer by wearing a seatbelt. When it comes to alcohol, harm reduction can include drinking water between alcoholic beverages or drinking fewer drinks throughout the evening.
There is sometimes a misconception that a harm reduction approach actually promotes substance use, which is not true. In reality, reducing harms recognizes that all people – no matter where they are on their wellness journeys – deserve to be safe and receive supports that help them get to where they want to be.
The '(er)' in sober(er) means that you make the rules in your Sober(er) for October Challenge.
We invite all Indigenous peoples across BC to join FNHA's Sober(er) for October Challenge!
Find us on social media. Ask questions, tell your stories and share your experiences. Remember to use the hashtags #SobererforOctober and #FNHAwellness.