We raise our hands in gratitude to all the incredible nurses around the province! We celebrate and honour you during this special week as well as throughout the whole year given the World Health Organization's (WHO) designation of 2020 being the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
The FNHA Nursing Leadership team has a special message to share in thanks and acknowledgement of every nurse for their commitment, dedication and passion, and for bringing their best to all that they do:
We are grateful for the work you do to serve BC First Nations communities and their citizens in their health and wellness journeys. Your work has a direct positive impact on the health and wellness of BC First Nations and Indigenous people.
This nursing week, please take a moment to reflect that your positive intention, every opportunity to deepen relationship, every interaction that supports health and wellness, no matter how big or small, makes a difference and is appreciated. Please know that you are valued!
In wellness,
Becky Palmer, Chief Nursing Officer, Monica McAlduff, Executive Director, April MacNaughton, Director, Health Protection, Debbie McDougall, Director, Collaborative Practice, Gary Housty, Director, Nursing Operations
Artwork created by Lou-ann Neel of the Mamalillikulla, Da'nax'daxw, Ma'amtaglia, 'Namgis and Kwagiulth tribes of the Kwakwaka'wakw people.