“This is our time to be kind, to be calm, and to be safe.” Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer, shared those meaningful words this week, as we acknowledge that this will be an Easter weekend unlike any we have experienced. The holiday weekend’s spiritual and family significance is as strong as ever, but we must find different ways to make it memorable, restorative and meaningful.
This is a crucial time for each of us to commit to physical distancing as a way to care for each other, and a time when we need to pay special attention to our Elders and seniors who hold our history, languages and traditions. We can still celebrate and care for those around us in virtual ways, and we encourage people to look for those connections online.
The Easter long weekend is an important holiday for many families and people of many faiths. We understand how painful it is to be distanced from family and loved ones at this time, but this is not the time to travel or visit. We all need to stay home to avoid putting ourselves and others at risk.Look to alternative ways to connect with family, friends and loved ones during the long weekend like through live streaming and phone calls.
Use this weekend to connect virtually with the people you care about, and to renew your commitment to stopping the spread of COVID-19. All of us need to help flatten the curve. We cannot let up. Although we may be physically distancing, we are united and working together in this shared goal at this critical time.
Thank you for staying strong and committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Let’s bend the curve, not the rules this weekend. Let’s stay home and keep ourselves and each other safe.
We wish everyone a healthy holiday long weekend.