Brushing at Ahousat Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
The FNHA is undertaking a review of communities' experiences responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This review is being undertaken to recognize achievements and wisdom gained during the pandemic response, share stories of communities' good work and support health, wellness and healing post-pandemic.
The review will take place between November 2022 and January 2023. We will report back in spring 2023.
There are many ways to take part, including:
1) Regional Focus Groups
| Contact the FNHA Evaluation Team at evaluation@fnha.ca for details on focus groups in your region.
2) Provincial Focus Groups | |
3) Survey responses
| Submit your feedback through this survey up until January 31, 2023 |
The focus group will be 90 minutes long. We will discuss three questions:
- In the spirit of recognizing the good work and honouring what has been learned, is there anything you wish to share about your community's experiences responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
- In what ways have community members practiced culture and supported wellbeing and healing during the pandemic?
- Is there anything else you would like to share?
Circles will be opened and closed by an Elder. The session will be recorded to help us ensure we capture everything. Participants are eligible for a door prize. Feedback gathered will be summarized into themes. No individuals will be acknowledged or attributed without their explicit permission.
Learnings gathered during the engagements will be shared back in the spring.
Please reach out to the FNHA Evaluation Team at evaluation@fnha.ca with any questions, concerns.
We hope you can join us for this important discussion. We look forward to learning from your work and sharing it back to lift up the experiences of your communities.