For Immediate Release
Northern Health, the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), and the Nisga'a Valley Health Authority (NVHA) are working closely following community notification of a suspected COVID-19 exposure in the Nass Valley.
Nisga'a Valley Health has requested that all attendees at recent gatherings between August 21st and 25th, contact the NVHA Clinic in their community to identify as a potential contact.
It's very important at this time that if you are experiencing potential COVID-19 symptoms you self-isolate, and immediately contact your Doctor, Health Director or Primary Care Provider or call the Northern Health COVID-19 Online Clinic & Info Line (1-844-645-7811).
NVHA is working with its health partners to coordinate the community response. The top priority is to ensure individuals have the supports they need to access testing, treatment, and to isolate close to home or close to advanced care. We are here for you. This work, with the support of Northern Health and FNHA, is guided by a collaborative framework that ensures people living in rural, remote and Indigenous communities in B.C. have access to critical health care to meet their unique needs.
Public health contact tracing is under way, and health teams are reaching out to individuals who may have been exposed. Close contacts of any confirmed cases will be informed by public health officials, and supported in actions they should take, such as self-monitoring or self-isolating. Community members who are not contacted directly should continue to follow public health advice for preventing the spread of illness and reducing the risk of COVID-19 to themselves, their families and community.
Every effort will be made to protect the privacy of individuals and their close contacts. We want people to feel comfortable coming forward if they have symptoms of COVID-19 and require testing.
As we face this challenge let's remember that kindness and compassion will get us through this and don't forget to support and celebrate those who are coming forward for testing as they are protecting us all.
Media Contacts:
NH media line – 877-961-7724
FNHA media line – 604-831-4898
Nisg̱ a'a Lisims Government
Bobby Clark, Director of Communications
(250) 615 3786