Students from Alvin A. McKay Middle School who took up the No pop or chips challenge had their accomplishments acknowledged in front of classmates.
From December 1st to 19th, students from Alvin A. McKay Middle School pledged not to drink pop or eat chips as part of the FNHA Winter Wellness Challenge. The challenge was taken up by 2/3 of the school population with a focus on eating healthy.
To monitor the challenge, students were given a calendar to record their progress and daily check-ins with the teacher ensured the success of the challenge. Positive re-enforcement by students during these check-ins ensured that not only were students kept honest but it was also used as a form of encouragement.
Chants of, "We got this!" and "I can do this!" were voiced at all of the check-ins by students.
At the conclusion of the challenge, all who were able to complete it received a prize while those who weren't so successful were given a second chance and are well on their way to earning a reward.
If the challenge was to be done again then the best time to do so would be in January after the Christmas break. This is when students could discuss turning a new leaf, new opportunities for wellness, healthy behaviours and self-care.
This approach is a great interactive segway to classroom conversations about healthy eating, nutrition, and opportunities to consider choosing healthy behaviours.
While this challenge was aimed at students of Alvin A. McKay Middle, the wider school community including parents and teachers would have felt its positive effects. The momentum from this would have allowed for families to have conversations about healthy eating taking place at school as well as in the home.