The FNHA has developed a five-part webinar series called Language of Wellness. The series focuses on Indigenous language revitalization and the important connections between language and health. Each webinar in the series features one language from the Vancouver Island region as well as topics related to inter-generational language learning. All sessions include discussions about the connections between culture, land and wholistic health. Recordings of the webinars are available for viewing below.
The webinars are led by First Nations Elders, language champions and language learners. The webinar series lifts up the meaningful work already being done in community related to language revitalization, and shares stories and teachings in a safe and affirming virtual circle. The sessions were very popular – over 280 people participated online using Zoom.
The FNHA worked in partnership with Xpey' Wellness and the First Peoples' Cultural Council to develop the webinar series. With the support of these partners and First Nations community leaders, the FNHA is pleased to help people learn and share about four of the six languages spoken in the Vancouver Island region: Nuu-chah-nulth, Hul'q'umi'num, SENĆOŦEN and Kwak'wala. Language speakers participating in the webinars included Dr. Arvid Charlie, Pena Elliott, Chuutsqa Rorick, and Chief Robert Joseph.
The series ran from March 18 to April 22, 2021.
Watch Recordings Webinar recordings here:
For questions or inquiries, please contact Larissa Coser, FNHA Respecting Tobacco Coordinator, at Larissa.coser@fnha.ca or Jessica Barudin, FNHA Traditional Wellness Specialist, at Jessica.barudin@fnha.ca)