Check out some FNHA fathers’ stories about
fatherhood here. Also, share a photo of your father or father figure in the comments
section below and tell us a bit about him!
A message from the Wellness Team, Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Father's Day is a day to celebrate our fathers or father figures and acknowledge them for everything they have done for us. Although Father's Day may be a little different this year because of the pandemic, that doesn't mean your family can't still celebrate!
Just make sure to celebrate safely! Following are safety tips to help ensure you and your family will have a safe, healthy and happy Father's Day.
Practise Physical Distancing. If you and/or your family will be seeing your father or father figure in person, ensure everyone has been following the BC Centre for Disease Control's public health recommendations including keeping at least a six-foot distance from people they are not living with. Limiting close contact with others outside of your home can reduce chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19 to high-risk (including older) individuals.
If you plan to celebrate Father's Day somewhere besides a family home, wear a face mask or cloth face covering and stay at least six feet away from other people. If your father or father figure lives far away or is a high-risk individual, you may have to hold a virtual Father's Day celebration using video conferencing. While seeing family members on video is not as good as hugging them in person, it is certainly much better than not seeing them at all! We can hear each other's voices and see each other's smiling faces, which can go a long way during these semi-isolated times.
Follow Food Safety Protocol. Whether you choose to picnic outdoors or visit the home of your father or father figure, keep your Father's Day celebration free from foodborne illness: before handling food, ensure your hands are properly cleaned, either with antibacterial soap and warm water or hand sanitizer.
Be creative. A good Father's Day gift does not have to be expensive. If finances are tight due to the pandemic, offer to help him with home projects or other tasks. Mow the lawn or drive him around town to run errands for him. Cook him a great meal. The bottom line is that the best gift you can give is your time! Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the day!
P.S. Want to give your father or father figure a chuckle? Check out some amusing pandemic-related Father's Day e-cards here.