Watch the FNHA’s new Paddling Together video


The FNHA is pleased to present our Paddling Together: FNHA Health and Wellness video. This three-minute animated short encapsulates our commitment and guiding principles in our efforts to enhance health outcomes for First Nations communities across British Columbia.

This video is a visual product of our Paddling Together: First Nations Health Authority Health and W​ellness Plan. Using the symbolism of a canoe journey, our plan represents collaboration between the FNHA, First Nations in BC and our governing partners. The video outlines our five goal areas and five guideposts and provides continuous guidance that steers our efforts and reflects our community-based, Nation-driven process.

We raise our hands up to all the incredible work that goes into making the plan a reality. We are inspired by your passion and the commitment you show to continue advancing First Nations health and wellness.

Watch the video here: 


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