First Nations Health Authority’s Dr. Terri Aldred Recipient of 2020-2021 RDOC Mikhael Award for Medical Education



Coast Salish Territory - The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is pleased to congratulate Dr. Terri Aldred on receiving the 2020-2021 RDoC Mikhael Award for Medical Education, which honours individuals who have contributed to improving undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in Canada.

“We are thrilled to learn that Dr. Aldred has been chosen to receive such an important award from the Resident Doctors of Canada", says FNHA's CEO Richard Jock. “That her career has focused on working with resident Doctors who have a special interest in Indigenous health has been instrumental in teaching a new generation of doctors on how to provide culturally safe care to Indigenous people, families, and communities."

The recipient of the award must demonstrate a firm commitment to medical education, exemplify creativity and leadership, promote medical education, and bring about change that could contribute to positive, long term improvement to medical education in Canada.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this award, especially because I was selected by residents. Being at the helm of this program has been a highlight of my career," says FNHA's Medical Director of Primary Care Dr. Terri Aldred. “It is a joy to mentor such amazing residents who share an interest in Indigenous health and social justice. I would not be where I am without the many Indigenous physicians who have blazed trails for me, and my family and friends who continue to lift me up." 

A resident of Prince George, Dr. Aldred is Dakelh from Tl'Azt'En on her mom's side and mixed European and Metis Cree on her dad's side, and a member of the Lysiloo (Frog) Clan. She is an outreach primary doctor with Carrier Sekani Family Services and a Site Director for UBC's Indigenous Family Practice Program, which serves 12 Indigenous communities in Northern BC. In 2019, Dr. Aldred led the development of the BC Indigenous Medical Education Gathering, a network of current and future physicians dedicated to improving Indigenous health in the province.

Dr. Aldred has previously been the recipient of the College of Family Physicians of Canada First Five Years of Practice Award – BC (2018), the John J. Zack Award for Excellence in Family Practice (2013), and the Darcy Tailfeathers Memorial Award in Medicine (2009-2010). She recently took on a new role as the Medical Director for Primary Care with the FNHA.

“I raise my hands to Dr. Aldred and congratulate her on receiving yet another well-deserved honour", says Colleen Erickson, FNHA's Chair. “Her ongoing commitment to improving the health of Indigenous people is impressive and has made a significant difference in the lives of Indigenous people across Canada. Terri is a valued member of the medical team at the FNHA, and on a personal note I am especially proud as we both come from Yinka Dene territory." 

The Resident Doctors of BC is the professional association representing 1,300 resident doctors working across the province. It raises awareness about who resident doctors are, and what they do. 

Learn more:

Resident Doctors of Canada:

Resident Doctors of BC:

The First Nations Health Authority: https://www.f​

Media contact: Kevin Boothroyd, Director Media Relations

(M) PH: 604.831.4898 (Email)

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