A message from Dr. Unjali Malhotra, FNHA Office of the Chief Medical Officer; and Toni Winterhoff, FNHA Specialist, Healthy Children
In Canada, National Breastfeeding Week is Oct. 1-7. At the FNHA, we celebrate all opportunities to talk about the benefits of breastfeeding, and we honour all families who are taking care of little ones though life's challenges.
So, this National Breastfeeding Week, we celebrate and honour life-givers and their unique milk-feeding experiences. Life-giving and milk-feeding are both awe-inspiring powers, testaments to the strength and wonder of the human body! You can read more about it in our
Indigenous Milk Medicine Week (Aug. 8-14) message.
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding resources:
New posters from Perinatal Services BC: