The FNHA invites First Nations people in BC to share their stories about getting laboratory tests in their First Nations community. Individuals can share their Community-Based Testing experiences for COVID-19 or other health conditions. If you use health services at your community health centre, we want to hear from you! Your voice is important to us.
We have a short survey at the link below, where you will asked to respond to three questions. The website will ask you to sign up for a free account (provide your name and email). You can delete/unsubscribe from the website after answering the questions. You can write your answers or record a video response (you may also cover the camera to provide only audio). Responding may take between three to 10 minutes. The survey will remain open until the end of the day on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021.
Why are we asking for your input?
The FNHA is planning to evaluate the Community-Based Testing Program and use the findings to improve the program for First Nations people in BC. This is why your input and involvement is important for the evaluation.
You are eligible to win
To thank you for your time answering the questions, you will be invited to enter a draw for a chance to win a $100 e-gift card of your choice from giftcards.ca.
I want to share my thoughts, but I prefer to speak to someone. How else can I share?
The Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, a non-profit research and evaluation organization, will hold a 90-minute virtual discussion group from Noon to 1:30 pm on Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021. Capacity is limited to 10 people and an honorarium will be provided to each participant. If interested, please send an email to: jnarine@srdc.org.