BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has issued new orders to help contain the rising number of COVID-19 cases across the province.
The orders are aimed at reducing virus transmission in people's homes and workplaces in response to an increase in the number of cases, hospitalizations, and outbreaks in health care facilities.
Here is a summary of the orders:
Limits on social gatherings
• No social gatherings1 of any size with anyone other than your household or core bubble (such as a partner or co-parent that lives in another household).
• Those living on their own may socialize with the same one or two people in their core bubble in each other's homes.
• Places of worship are to have no in-person services with the exception of certain ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and funerals with a maximum of 10 people in attendance. Associated receptions are not allowed.
Physical Activities / Sports
• High-risk indoor group physical activities must be suspended, including spin classes, hot yoga, and high-intensity interval training. Further guidance on other physical activities is being developed for gyms, dance studios and other facilities.
• Sporting games, competitions and practices can continue with no spectators and no travel outside regions.
Mask Requirements
• Masks are now required for everyone in all public indoor settings and workplaces. People who cannot wear a mask or who cannot put on or remove a mask on their own are exempt, as well as those two years old and younger.
• Masks are required in all workplaces for shared work areas such as hallways, kitchens and bathrooms and areas where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
Travel Advisory
• While not an order, all non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province.
Additional Considerations
• Office-based workplaces should allow employees to work from home where possible for the rest of the year.
• At this time bars, restaurants and pubs will remain open.
• Public health inspections of retail establishments and workplaces will continue to support enforcement of Public Health Orders
Updated BC Government public health orders can be found at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/covid-19-provincial-support/restrictions
We recognize that these public health orders make it harder for the COVID-19 virus to spread but can also make it harder to feel connected to our families and friends. For support, we can lean into our cultural strengths, knowing that First Nations in BC have a long history of resilience. We have traditions and practices that ground us in the present and keep us well – spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
For additional information on available mental health and cultural supports please visit: https://www.fnha.ca/Documents/FNHA-COVID-19-Mental-Health-and-Cultural-Supports.pdf.
For other information and services for First Nations people, see www.fnha.ca/coronavirus
Download a PDF of the new orders here.
1 These activities are not considered a social gathering:• Going for a walk. You must make sure a walk does not turn into a group of people meeting outside
• Parents carpooling kids to and from school
• Family members providing child care
• Construction workers or tradespeople providing services