Show us how you nurse and be entered to win! #FNHANursing
2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
A picture says a thousand words, and we are excited to invite nurses who work with BC First Nations to put a moment of your career into focus - help show the depth and importance of nursing by participating in FNHA's #FNHANursing photo contest!
The #FNHANursing contest is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the many elements of nursing. We want to celebrate the great work of the nurses throughout the province who are providing care to BC First Nations during the current global pandemic and who care for our communities year-round.
Here's how it works
Send your photos to NEF@fnha.ca with #FNHANursing as the subject line. Photos should encompass one or more of the following categories:
Culture – Culture is medicine. Show us how you connect with and celebrate culture at work.
On the land – The land is healing. Show us where you work on the traditional territories of BC First Nations communities' land and water.
Wellness – It starts with you. Show us how you weave wellness into your practice, including mental and physical health.
Impact – Never a dull moment. Show us the diversity within your role as a nurse, from health promotion to supporting people on their journey to the spirit world.
All submissions will be entered into a draw to win a prize. The top 12 photos - based on the criteria mentioned above - will be made into a calendar and distributed to nurses who serve BC First Nations across the province. The contest will run into the fall of 2020.
The FNHA may also share your photos on our social media channels and add them to our photo gallery to promote BC First Nations nursing careers as well as for educational purposes. Anyone featured in a photo must provide clear, informed consent to have the photo entered into the contest. We can only accept photos who have this consent.
Photos sent to NEF@fnha.ca will be entered in the contest, however we encourage you to share your photos highlighting your nursing experiences on social media using the hashtag #FNHANursing as well.
A moment's worth of acknowledgement can have a lasting impact and raise awareness about the unique and many rewarding aspects of working with BC First Nations communities. We look forward to sharing the impact of nursing as we celebrate and recognize all that nurses do! #FNHANursing