For Immediate Release

Coast Salish Territory – The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCBC) have signed an agreement to work together to improve access to primary health services in rural communities through a structured process to ensure full and meaningful collaboration between the two partners.

The signing ceremony took place at a gala dinner during FNHA’s Northern Regional Caucus in Prince George. FNHA Board Chair Colleen Erickson and Acting CEO Richard Jock signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Ray Markham, Executive Director of RCCBC.
The agreement is designed to enable the organizations to work more closely together to address the challenges of providing primary health services to remote and rural communities such as physician recruitment and support the expansion of rural Primary Care facilities across the province.
“Rural and remote communities experience similar health care challenges whether they are First Nations communities or not,” said Mr. Jock. “This partnership will strengthen our voice in support of these communities. We are looking forward to working with like-minded partners.”
“Building on our combined strengths in improving healthcare for rural communities will narrow the health equity gap,” said Dr. Markham.
An important part of the joint work is a commitment to embed cultural safety and humility into primary health care service delivery through staff training and incorporating First Nations teachings into the health sector.
Similarly the ability to exchange knowledge and lessons learned will enable both parties to implement new and innovative approaches in a more timely and effective way.