The Trout Lake Community Centre in Vancouver welcomed over 4,000 people to the Mother's Day Traditional Pow Wow on May 7 where they honoured missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirited people.
The event was an opportunity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to watch or participate in dancing, interact with organizations around BC and purchase hand crafted items from Indigenous artists and vendors.

As one of the organizations at the event, the FNHA Urban and Away-from-Home (UAH) and Communication teams engaged with community members and shared information on programs and services, including Virtual Doctor of the Day, Virtual Substance Use and Psychiatry Service and the Quality Care and Safety Office.

The UAH team encouraged attendees to join the urban and away-from-home contact list with the help of a QR code, to receive information about health and wellness programs and services. Subscribers will also receive invitations to get involved with the FNHA in the fall and winter 2022, to create and improve engagement pathways with the urban and away-from-home First Nations population in BC.
Scan the QR Code to join the Urban and Away-From-Home contact list or sign up here. Print or share the code with your urban Indigenous family and friends to sign up!
For more information, contact the FNHA UAH team at UAFH@fnha.ca.