It’s more important than ever to keep your immune system strong!
A message from Marissa Alexander, FNHA Northern Regional Dietitian; and Jessica Hart, FNHA Food Security Coordinator
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be hard to focus on healthy eating and nutrition because things are changing so much. Eating healthy is not always the priority but, if you’re able to, eating nutritious foods can help balance your energy level and mood.
Healthy eating is as much about how you eat, as what you eat. Here are healthy eating tips that focus on the social side of eating:
• Eat “together” in other ways. We all know it’s important to eat together but that is not advised during this time unless you’re already sharing a home with others. So try new ways to connect during meal times. Try video calling a family member at dinner time to chat while eating or sending your friend a recipe to cook on the same night as you (then compare creations)!
• Support people in need. Think about your neighbours or Elders who may need a hand getting groceries. Call family members who are home alone and remind them you are thinking about them.
• Lean on traditions. Try making a traditional meal that reminds you of your family and traditions to feel closer to them emotionally while you are separated physically.
• Try some new recipes. This can be an opportune time to pull out a recipe book or scan the Internet for a new one. You can also check out the
FNHA Traditional Food Fact Sheet for more information and recipes that include smoked eulachons or salmon soup.
• Most importantly, be kind to yourself. It’s okay if you made an “easy dinner,” ate your breakfast over the sink, or didn’t get around to making lunch until 2:00 p.m. today. This is a stressful time for all of us and it’s okay if you aren’t always doing things the same way you normally would. Give yourself permission to feel that stress and to make choices that are easier for you for now.
Remember to wash your hands throughout the food-making process and to wash your fruits and vegetables too. Wishing you many healthy and nutritious meals!
Note: COVID-19 doesn't appear to be transmitted by eating food contaminated with the virus, however, it is important to wash your hands before preparing or eating food. Learn more here.