FNHA Environmental Health Officer in community
Monday, September 20 marked the beginning of Environmental Public Health Week. It is a time for all of us to acknowledge those public health professionals who work every day to protect the health of all Canadians.
The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) has a dedicated team of environmental public health professionals actively engaged in all aspects of the environmental conditions that affect BC First Nations and their communities including air, water, food, residential and community infrastructure. In addition to this ongoing workload, these health professionals were deeply involved in responding to the devastating environmental impacts of climate change that wreaked havoc across our province and on many of our First Nations communities this past summer.
With this in mind, I invite all FNHA employees, and our partner and stakeholder organizations, to join me in recognizing and celebrating the important contributions made by Environmental Health Officers, Public Health Inspectors, and other environmental health professionals during Environmental Public Health Week.
In wellness,

Richard Jock,
Chief Executive Officer