COVID-19 Vaccinations Now Available to Youth Age 12 and Older



Households Can Now Be Vaccinated Together at Single Appointment

All youth in BC age 12 or older are now able to register for a COVID-19 first-dose vaccination appointment as part of the province's COVID-19 immunization plan. This change in age accompanies the announcement that family and household units can be vaccinated together at one appointment, providing additional flexibility and accessibility for vaccinations.

This announcement for youth in BC age 12 or older provides an opportunity for First Nations youth who live away from home (i.e., off reserve) to be vaccinated. It is also an added choice for those youth who live in First Nations communities but were not eligible to receive the vaccine during the first or second-dose vaccination clinics held to date.

Youth will have the opportunity to be vaccinated in upcoming clinics organized by the FNHA in partnership with BC First Nations communities (i.e., on or nearby reserve). Communities will be notified if youth clinics are available when adult clinics are scheduled. A variety of delivery models will be used depending on local circumstances and vaccine supplies.

Additionally, households or family units can now be vaccinated together at one appointment at all provincial clinics, with eligible family members brought to the existing or new appointment of any other family member. This includes parents bringing more than one child to an existing appointment for another child in the family. A neighbor or trusted adult can also bring children, as youth don't have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Under the Infants Act, youth age 12 and over can consent to receive medical treatment – including vaccinations – without their parents' approval as long as a health care provider has determined that the treatment is in the youth's best interest and that the youth understands the details of the treatment, including risks and benefits. Youth also have the right to refuse treatment. All parents and guardians are encouraged to have this discussion with their children.

For provincial clinics, register online at: Registration is also available by phone at 1-833-838-2323 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., every day, with reduced hours on statutory holidays.

Until there are higher vaccination rates throughout the province, it is important that everyone continue to practice the public health measures including physical distancing, hand-washing, wearing masks (if over age two), and staying home when sick. It is also very important to keep children and youth up to date with routine immunizations for other vaccine-preventable diseases.

For more information about the COVID-19 vaccines, visit the FNHA's FAQs page.

Download and print or share this vaccine clinic quick reference.

For second dose vaccine information, refer to this fact sheet. ​

​Getting a vaccine? Visit our pledge portal to share a selfie and explain why it's important for you to get vaccinated.

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