During National Nursing Week (May 9-15) the FNHA looks forward to honouring the contributions of nurses across the organization and the province.
As they did in 2021, the Canadian Nurses Association has once again designated the theme for this year as #WeAnswerTheCall.
With the COVID-19 pandemic now in its third year, that theme encapsulates the incredible and tireless efforts of our nurses in stepping up, day in and day out, to answer the call and deliver health care to people in need.
The FNHA recognizes that without our frontline nurses answering the call of communities we would not be able to meet our vision of “healthy, self-determining and vibrant BC First Nations children, families and communities."
National Nursing Week comes just one month after we celebrated the inaugural BC Indigenous Nurses Day, recognizing the Indigenous nurses championing a system that embraces traditional approaches and ensures culturally safe and accessible care.
Nurses are a critical part of our primary care network and the FNHA is always looking for people who have the passion and commitment to help others.
If you're looking to learn more about a nursing career at FNHA, visit our nursing web page.
Ways to Participate
FNHA will be holding Zoom meetings honouring National Nursing Week on Thursday and Friday. Everyone is welcome to join:
- Opening prayer with Sheryl Rivers on Thursday (May 12, 8:30-9:30 a.m.)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://fnha.zoom.us/j/66714344835
Meeting ID: 667 1434 4835 - Opening prayer with Cliff Atleo on Friday (May 13, 8:30-9:30 a.m.)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://fnha.zoom.us/j/61729121538
Meeting ID: 617 2912 1538 - Inspiring Indigenous Nurses Share Their Stories and Reflect on Nurses Week Theme #WeAnswerTheCall (May 13, 1-3 p.m.)
A panel of Indigenous nurses with diverse experience will be invited to share their story and reflect on the theme for Nurses Week, #WeAnswerTheCall. The dialogue will be centered around the following: sharing our personal nursing journey while considering how nurses presently answer the call and what individually/collectively can we do going forward to answer the call? Together let's contemplate the theme in the context of our work and name how all of us are and can actively contribute to healthcare transformation by answering the call in a good way.
To register, click here: https://fnha.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Uoce-grDIvGdFgRIgKPtnpuTrIvvn4f6Ch
Show Your Support!
On social media:
- In all your posts, use #WeAnswerTheCall or #IKnowANurse or #NationalNursingWeek and be sure to tag us!
- Share pictures and stories that create awareness about National Nursing Week and nurses.
- Use #IKnowANurse to share stories of exceptional nurses, because everyone knows a nurse who has left a lasting impression!
A personal touch:
- Write a thank-you note to a nurse or nursing staff who care or have cared for you, family or friends. These gestures are easy to do but can mean so much to the nurses who know they're appreciated for their work