Skeetchestn Health Clinic on the Skeetchestn Indian Band (Savona, BC)
The FNHA is embarking on the renewal of our Multi-Year Capital Plan priorities and planning approaches. The renewal of capital priorities and planning approaches is an opportunity for BC First Nations, political, community and health leads to help shape our organization's path forward for the next five years from April 1, 2022-2027.
In preparation, FNHA is launching engagement in Fall 2020 to gather feedback. Register today for an upcoming focus group session and be automatically entered to win a $50 gift card! Paper-based packages and additional focus groups are also available upon request.
Engagement feedback received in Fall 2020 will be used to inform priorities for the Multi-Year Capital Plan and enhancements to capital planning approaches. Engagement on draft priorities and enhanced approaches will occur in Spring 2021.
We look forward to hearing from you!
FNHA Multi-Year Capital Plan Infosheet