Please post about your daily 30 minutes of activity over the next 30 days!
A message from Dr. Nel Wieman, A/ Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Thank you for joining this year's FNHA 30x30 Active Challenge!
To encourage and motivate others, please share photos and posts about your 30 minutes of activity on each of the 30 days of September -- and use the hashtags #FNHAWellness, #30x30ActiveChallengeFNHA, and #BeActiveFNHA. We'd love to hear from you!
During this pandemic, we need to do what we can to keep up our physical health as well as our emotional, mental and spiritual health. Of course, they are all connected! One way we can do this is by adapting our fitness routines to ensure they are safe. We recommend getting out on the land and water if you can (while physically distancing), and/or working out at home. And of course, keeping yourself safe by following public health recommendations.
Please check with your health care provider before starting a new exercise routine if you are unsure of your health status, have multiple health concerns, or are pregnant. Remember that the 30 minutes per day is a recommendation and can be split into two 15-minute or three 10-minute sessions if necessary.
During the 30 days of September, the Wellness Team in the FNHA Office of the Chief Medical Officer will share wellness tips, information, and messages from community members to inspire everyone!
If you have any questions, or would like us to help you share your wellness journey (like so), email
Remember to set a goal for yourself!
A message from the FNHA Wellness Team, Office of the Chief Medical Officer.

(L-R: Jordie Sxoxomic Johnson, Janene Erickson, Kate Jongbloed)
Get ready for the FNHA 30x30 Active Challenge by setting an achievable wellness goal!
Goal setting is helpful for wellness as it keeps you focused and motivated. And sharing your goal with friends can keep you accountable and feeling supported.
What goals have our FNHA Wellness Team made?
• Dr. Nel Wieman will aim to walk 10,000 steps/day.
• Jordie Sxoxomic Johnson will do one new wellness activity per week.
• Janene Erickson will do the 30 days of yoga with Adriene: (“To support my mental health and wellness and increase my flexibility to prevent running injuries.")
• Kate Jongbloed will reach 30 active minutes on her FitBit every day for the month.
Share your goal in the comments of this Facebook Post.
A weekly FNHA 30x30 Email will be shared every Friday throughout the month of September with tips, information and contests.
Here's to a healthier September!